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Forms of workout :

(Home and/or Gym based )

  • Functional Training

  • Weight training

  • High intensity interval training

  • Kettle bell training

  • Stability & Core training

  • Animal Flow

  • Resistance band training

  • Steady-state training

  • Agility, quickness & speed training

  • Diastasis Recti Repair


Online Programs

45-60 mins/day , 3-5 days/week

I wish I could train each and every one of you! Since I can't, I have curated an online training method so you can experience my style of coaching, from the comfort of your homes or gyms. These programs will be absolutely customised to your needs. And here's how!


What is Included:

  • Online questionnaire to determine weight and/or fitness goals.

  • 1 One on one session (face to face/facetime) where I do a fitness assessment, teach basics of core, and technique of some fundamental foundational moves

  • Written workout programs for 4 weeks

  • Voice notes and/or text instructions on how to follow the program

  • Necessary video links of the exercises

  • Daily support via WhatsApp

  • Bi-weekly online follow up on progress

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